The new Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence website of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is available at:
The old webpage will remain on line for a limited time, for archive purposes.
Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence

The Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence of the University of Athens was established in September 2000, at the initiative of Professor Yannis Valinakis. Its aim has been to promote research, teaching and the dissemination of information on European issues. In recent years, it has mainly focused on updating the study of European integration, in order to meet the challenges of the new European environment arising from the adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon and the impact of the global economic crisis, as well as the promotion of Greek views and interests regarding the new European architecture.
In light of the most recent developments and in the framework of the “European Governance” Program, which is co-funded by the European Commission, the Centre now enhances and focuses its activities in the domain of European governance. Our goal is to stimulate, record and make use of the academic and public dialogue in two main directions: a) EU Governance and b) Greece’s European Policy. In this framework, our activities intend to study, teach, inform and generate proposals on the ongoing developments in European governance, Greece’s position in the new European environment and Greek European and foreign policy.
The Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence has initiated a close partnership with the Hellenic University Association for European Studies (EPEES), in order to pool our efforts to achieve common goals. In addition, we have created a network of collaboration with other Universities and think tanks in Greece and abroad.
Dialogue for a European Governance
- Read opinions and proposals for a European Governance in the 21stcentury.
- Feel free to browse into our web portal presented during the "1st Meeting of Greek NGOs for Europe: European Union and the Civil Society".
- European Tourism Unit: Information about the new European Tourism Unit of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence and its activities.
Presentation of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence
Visit the website of the Employment and Career Unit of Democritus University of Thrace to listen to the interview of Dr Marina Skordeli, Director of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence at the radio show "Διασυνδεθείτε" on February 1st, 2013, where the Centre’s goals and activities were presented.
With the support of the European Commission